How To Become An Extraordinary Problem-Solver

A New Method That Works For Every Problem? No Way! 

STEP 1: Kiss Problem-Soothing Goodbye

Get the Enjoying Problems Method today and I'll show you the better way to Master Your Problem

What If It's Possible To Always Enjoy Your Problems?

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone. 
-Blaise Pascal

Of course, he's talking about thinking -- real thinking.

It is indeed a game-changer once you can learn to pause and think. A whole new world opens to you, and a whole new set of solutions can be opened to the world.

What's stands between you and your better solutions? In my experience it comes down to two things:

1. Your untamed emotions keep you enslaved to unconsidered reactions. 

2. You false belief that problem-solving is a GIFT rather than a SKILL. We use gifts, but we develop skills.

And yet, it comes down to thinking... quietly ...clearly ...relaxed thinking. Would you let me show you how? I know you don't know me, but so what? I've quietly been learning and figuring out a few things for 5 decades. Now, in my seasoned productive years, I'm looking for people who are ready to learn the Simple6 Process to permanent problem-solving. 

Let's get started. Get the book and the bonuses (it's a fun read/listen, I promise). Next, stay tuned as I send you opportunities to learn how to craft solutions for yourself and others. Honestly, is there another skill that is superior to the ability to solve the problem that come your way in business, life, and relationships? 

One Method, Infinite Solutions.

-Dr. Fred

Includes Audio Book

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Nice Words About Me

Working with Fred has been life-changing! He's like a trusted business advisor and an old time friend, ready to listen to any challenge and prepared with a thoughtful, pinpointed solution. Time and again I've been amazed at his wisdom and insights on any topic - goals, leadership, anxiety, relationships, personal life....though I think I discovered his secret sauce on a call when he mentioned he's read over 5,000 books! Plus he's just a wonderful and caring person, full of energy and a joy to talk to. He's helped me find success both in family life and in growing a business (after only a year we increased sales by 19%, our first year with sales over $4 million). If you are struggling or want to achieve success faster than you can independently, hiring Fred is an excellent investment! -Mathew Doetsch, Owner 3DPlan.com
Dr. Lybrand delivers a fresh and powerful approach to tackle any problem -- big or small. His synthesis of clear communications, critical thinking, systems and structural dynamics, and more brings lasting solutions to those seeking to tackle real-world problems. Seek his wisdom and mentorship as you face what appear to be your hardest challenges, and you'll be delighted to craft better solutions, freeing you to head to the next level. I brought him in to guide some of my sharpest analysts at an Air Force agency, and he made a profound impact on improving their game. Even with decades of education and experience, my most seasoned analysts gained a whole new toolkit with his coaching. Since that time, I've benefited from years of routine consultations with Dr Fred while working national-level projects: his contributions have consistently helped us gain breakthroughs and progress.-Col. Brian Normans, Air Force (Retired) & CEO at Compass Manpower Experts LLC

Nice Words About The Book

Just finished your book and I must say, it is really stellar. I never thought to think of my problems or anxieties in that manner, it was really helpful. Also, just really love the way you write, I could almost hear you talking when I was reading. Your humor is just fantastic and the way you explain the concepts is very easy to follow-Carlin Guarnerni
This book is a must-read for anyone wanting better solutions. It's not just a book, it's a guide to help you think and do differently when encounter problems. This book will make you laugh, ignite your passion, and leave you reflecting on why you didn't think this way sooner. If you're looking for inspiration and a fresh perspective, this is the book that will unstick you
-Dr. Jay Saliceti
Per usual, you bring fresh perspective and unique solutions to life’s issues. Rethinking the way we look at problems is life changing. I also loved the approach to reducing or eliminating anxiety, which I’ve been putting this into practice, and can vouch for! Perhaps my favorite tip is “The next step is never hard.” That alone is life changing. All these gems are on top of the main point of the book, which is how to actually solve your problems. LOVE it! -Tracy Marshall

 Bonuses To Help You On Your Journey

Bonus #1: The Complete Audio Book (Downloadable mp3)

Bonus #2: These Quick-Guide Infographics Help You Use Enjoying Problems 
  • The Full Monty: The Complete  Simple6 Sequence for All Your Challenges
  • Business Casual: The 4 Step Quickstart Version for Simpler Problems
  • The Anxiety Eraser: The Exact Steps To Learn The Skill Of Erasing Your Specific Anxious Thoughts
Fred Lybrand has been my #1 personal and professional advisor for over 30 years. His insights into systems and organizational dynamics are so penetrating that sometimes they’re downright spooky. 
-Dr. Keith Bower, Chair-C12 Coaching, Greater Houston Area

Chapter Titles

1. The Power of Enjoying Problems

2. Entrepreneurs as the Heroes of Problem-Solving

3. The 7 Problems Successful Entrepreneurs Solve

4. The Secret Key to Mastering Your Problems
5. First Things First About
Entrepreneurial Anxiety

6. The Lever: Erasing Entrepreneurial Anxiety

7. The Simple6 Solution: The Only Moves Needed to Solve Any Problem

8. Solutions-Crafting with The Full Monty
9. Solutions-Crafting Step 1:
Outthink Your Anxiety

10. Solutions-Crafting Step 2:
Discover Your Solution

11. Solutions-Crafting Step 3:
Design Your Plan

12. Enjoying Problems as a Way of Life

Question: What's Stopping You From A Better Future?
Answer: You Haven't Solved Your Current Problem

Next Level: Your Unsolved Problem Is What's In The Way
better METHOD --> better SOLUTIONS --> better BUSINESS

Dr. Fred Ray Lybrand 

Let's Figure Out 
Something Better

The best thing that can happen to a human being is to find a problem, to fall in love with that problem, and to live trying to solve that problem, unless another problem even more lovable appears.  -Karl Popper

My Promise: I will always deliver more than you invest. 
Get the Enjoying Problems Method today and I'll show you how 
to build your Mastering Problems Skill. We'll do this journey together. 

Includes Audio Book

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(c) 2024 EnjoyingProblems.com